Log statistics
Komera Neza uses log statistics, which is a system allowing us to monitor how many visitors we have and where they come from etc. At Komera Neza this system is used to optimize our website and its functionality. Furthermore, the information in the log-stat is paired with the customer’s behavior if the customers state their name, address etc. when ordering from the shop or creates a user on the site.
The log-statistics is used for: Personalized marketing and improved user-friendliness. To make an agreement with the web shop, you will need to state your name, address, phone number and e-mail. Your info is registered at Komera Neza and is stored by OVHcloud.
We gather this information to be able to deliver your order to you. This being a web shop, you will always have to agree to giving us the needed information. This way you can be sure, that you know what information you are giving and why.
The data is transmitted encrypted.
Your information will not be shared with third party persons. No sensitive data is registered.
When registering at Komera Neza, you have the right to make an objection to the registration of data as well as the right to know what information is registered about you. These rights come from the law of personal data and any inquiries you might have regarding this, can be sent to Komeraclothing@gmail.com.
Komera Neza uses cookies on our website in order to make our website more convenient and user friendly while enhancing customers´ online experience.